Saturday, September 29, 2007

Another Friday night... Week 6

Another week of trying to get something different... my creativity is beginning to reach a critical level...

I'm looking forward to a short break from this beat in a couple weeks.

The first quarter sunlight may be gone, but a kiss of it on the horizon was still there for the team introductions.

I'm becoming a firm believer of the mantra that not every good sports photograph has to be one with peak action of somebody flying through the air or catching a pass mid-air. There are plenty of instances where publications like Sports Illustrated will publish an image for it's athletic-strategic value – something that shows how the play happened, puts a face to the Xs and Os. I'm not a football expert, but it seems like this big run wouldn't have happened without the textbook blocks by the guy's teammates.

When right before my lens should appear, a defender making a grimace while he's ripping someone's arm off... when this happens I do a little mental happy dance.

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