Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Time for some football...

For me, high school football is one of the most enjoyable things to shoot.

You don't always get the gigantic leaps or the diving passes - they rarely enter into your viewfinder. But at the high school level, you have some of the hardest hits, and the rawest emotion. The athletes aren't playing for the money, they're playing for the love of the game.

The end of August marks the beginning of the season here in Wisconsin. Our preview coverage included a story about two players from rival teams who will face off for the last time this year before becoming teammates at UW-Madison.

Dan assisted me on this shoot. Three lights were used: narrow spot grids on each player's face and a wider grid on a light held over their heads for highlights on their hair. The original plan was to shoot this at a football stadium. We arrived on location and realized there were no power outlets for our lights and it was far too bright. It also wasn't very visually appealing.

Next to the stadium was the Menasha municipal garage which we were able to use until 3p.m. when they closed up shop. Amid the scent of gasoline, oil and lawn trimmings, we made this image below.

I brought the photos back on my cards and my editor Dwight Nale, did just a spectacular, bang-up job of finding this photo and visualizing the print layout.

Our game coverage begins this Friday!

(click photo to enlarge)

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